I use encfs (see github.com/vgough/encfs)
It's in the portage tree.

Here is my private Readme

# Neither .Secret nor Secret should contain data before creation !!!

# CREATION  (only once)
encfs -i 10 --ondemand --extpass=x11-ssh-askpass `pwd`/.Secret `pwd`/Secret

or more simply in an XTerm
encfs `pwd`/.Secret `pwd`/Secret


encfs [-i idle[minutes]] [--ondemand] --extpass=x11-ssh-askpass <TRUE FS> <MountPoint>

encfs -i 10 --ondemand --extpass=x11-ssh-askpass ~/.Secret ~/Secret

or more simply in an XTerm : (>>> always use the full path of both folders)

encfs ~/.Secret ~/Secret

After Usage

fusermount -u ~/Secret

If you shut down the machine you don't need to do fusermount -u.

BackUP : ~/.Secret and remember password (e.g. using app-admin/keepassxc)

Important Note :

ENCFS does not hide the length and modification date/time of a file
If that matter you can archive several file in a tar-file before encryption.

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