On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 09:50:58 +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> This box acts as an emerge server for a 32-bit Atom. So I NFS-mount the
> Atom's portage tree in a 32-bit chroot, build the packages it needs and
> then emerge the packages on the Atom.
> This morning I found something odd: the Atom wanted to emerge perl
> 5.24, even though 5.26 was already present, so I got a long list of
> clashes. This is the emerge command on the Atom:
> emerge -auDvUK --jobs=2 --load-average=4 --changed-use --changed-deps \
>             --with-bdeps=y --nospinner --keep-going world
> The solution was to delete the 5.24 package left over from an earlier
> emerge. All was then well.
> It looks as though the -K switch caused portage to want to emerge the
> package even though it wasn't indicated by the update. Is it supposed
> to do that?

Was there a suitable package for 5.26 in $PKGDIR? The -K switch forces
portage to use a package, unlike -k, so if the exact 5.26 version you had
installed had been removed from the tree in favour of an updated/fixed
version, portage would have to downgrade if you hadn't built the new

Neil Bothwick

Weird enough for government work.

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