On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 19:18:17 -0500, Alan Grimes wrote:

> Since 2004, I have been using "emerge --sync" to update my portage tree.
> I understand that it accesses a local list of mirrors and then runs
> rsync against one of those. On spinning media hard disks it is helpful
> to pre-cache the portage tree as shown in my scripts, on SSD systems, it
> is simply harmless. I refreshed my mirror list and selected either HTTP
> or RSYNC mirrors from across the USA.

I doubt that there is an advantage in pre-caching, all you are doing is
taking time from the sync process and adding it to another process, but I
also doubt that has anything to do with your problems.

> The problem is NOT with emerge in that the files that it complains about
> not being present are in fact not present.

That's the rub, they are present here, so something is interfering with
your downloading of these patch files. Do you have any entries in
make.conf that would modify rsync behaviour? Try

emerge --info -v | grep -i sync

Also, what do you have in /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf?

> I tried to find them on
> google and only found changelogs, not the actual files in a downloadable
> state that I can add manually.

Try https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo

> I am still angry with Emerge for not
> updating all packages for which those files are not required or even
> compiling packages until it encounters one for which it does not have
> the files.

It detected corruption of your portage tree, if files don't match the
manifests all sorts of unpleasant consequences are possible, so aborting
seems a safe option. Rather than trying to work around the issue, try to
find the cause. If the files are not on Github, file a bug report. If
they are, find out why rsync is not downloading them on your system but
is on others.

If this problem was widespread, you would have had a chorus of "me too"
replies and b.g.o would be full of reports - you did check b.g.o?

Neil Bothwick

A bit of tolerance is worth a megabyte of flaming. -- Henry Spencer

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