On 2/2/19 11:09 PM, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
I am unclear on what you are trying to do.

See my reply to Rich's message for a description.

I find the gentoo scripts good for the simple case but a complex case almost always needs extra help.


I was hoping that there was something that I was unaware of or could extend to do what I want to do.

If its networking, could something like shorewall help?

No, I don't think that Shorewall or a similar firewall config management system will help.

I also find those systems annoying. Sure, they have their benefits. But why do I need them when I should be able to do the same thing on a stock Gentoo (or other) Linux system? After all they are using the same kernel. (Maybe a different version or config there of.)

I will occasionally look at those solutions and treat them like themed Lego sets. I build them, look at them, analyze them, and pull out the distinct Lego bricks that I want to use in my own system. }:-)

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