On 11/2/19 3:51 am, John Covici wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Feb 2019 11:57:27 -0500,
> Andrew Savchenko wrote:
>> [1  <text/plain; UTF-8 (quoted-printable)>]
>> On Sun, 10 Feb 2019 10:21:21 -0600 Dale wrote:
>>> Andrew Savchenko wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 15:18:37 +0800 Bill Kenworthy wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have a problem with any of the xorg-server 1.20.x series where I can
>>>>> start simple apps like xterm but more complexapps like firefox and
>>>>> thunderbird (for example) hang X with no erros in dmessage, log,
>>>>> Xorg.0.log, .xsession-errors etc.  The mouse can move but no clicks are
>>>>> accepted.  I have also recently run emerge -ep  with the profile upgrade
>>>>> (using 1.19 as I needed to use the system at the time) and a previous
>>>>> rebuild of almost everything with 1.20 installed with no change.
>>>> You need to rebuild all x11-drivers after xorg update. Input
>>>> problems you are describing are likely caused by modules built for
>>>> older xorg version.
>>>> Try:
>>>>  # emerge -av $(eix -IC x11-drivers --only-names)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Andrew Savchenko
>>> Isn't one of these supposed to do that?
>>> emerge @module-rebuild
>>> emerge @x11-module-rebuild
>>> I think the top one is the correct one. 
>> The top one will rebuild kernel modules. So it has nothing to do
>> with xorg. The bottom one is correct, I just forgot about it.
> I have much worse problems, whenever I start gdm, the screen shows the
> same content  as the virtual console where I started gdm.  Gdm is
> running, x-server is running, but the screen is not showing it.  I did
> compile all the drivers, so this is very strange.
Another me too ... same problem, same symptoms, complete rebuild
including modules.  After hours of work I have had to mask 1.20 so I can
have a working system.


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