On 17/2/19 10:08 am, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 8:48 PM Bill Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>     I have cloned a gentoo image for a raspberry pi to another sdcard.
>> It fails to boot because the storage uuid's have changed and dracut has
>> the previous uuid's stored internally.  Is there a way around this
>> without changing the new storage's uuids back to match the original (its
>> bad practise to duplicate uuids) or using an original rpi kerneal and
>> rebuild the custom one?
> Are you passing root=UUID=xyz on the command line?  Also, do you have
> the correct UUID in /etc/fstab?
> Dracut does save a snapshot of fstab internally, but I think it should
> work if passed the UUID on the command line.  You do want the real
> /etc/fstab to have the correct UUID, because after dracut mounts root
> it checks fstab and remounts root with any options in case its
> internal copy is stale.  If the fstab on the hard drive is incorrect
> that could lead it astray.
> If it isn't breaking to a shell you can force it to with a command
> line option, and then from there just mount root yourself on /sysroot,
> and exit the shell, and then it should boot.  Another option is to
> just use it as a rescue image and just mount root on /sysroot and then
> just chroot into it, and now you're basically at a semi-working
> system.  You could easily rebuild dracut from there.  Or you can just
> boot from a rescue disk and regenerate dracut.
> But, I suspect just editing your command line in grub will do the
> trick if /etc/fstab on the hard drive is good.
Hi Rich, no grub! A rpi uses a custom loader (apparently the GPU starts
the boot process).  I'll investigate if it can passthrough a UUID. 
Looks like next stop is the pi forums, but most use their kernel, not a
custom one.


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