Hi again,

On another box, I’m trying to update to bird 2.0.4. I just copied the
ebuild and changed the version. If you want to have a look, it’s here:

It compiles well, but I have a weird behaviour on the service if I want
to stop it.
judicael-ovpn2 ~ # rc-service bird stop
 * Stopping BIRD ...
 * start-stop-daemon: 1 process refused to stop
 * Failed to stop BIRD                                                    [ !! ]
 * ERROR: bird failed to stop

But the process is actually killed and the service marked as crashed.
judicael-ovpn2 ~ # ps aux | grep bird
root     16679  0.0  0.1  10860  2152 pts/1    R+   10:48   0:00 grep 
--colour=auto bird
judicael-ovpn2 ~ # rc-service bird status
 * status: crashed

Otherwise, if I restart it, it works well.
judicael-ovpn2 ~ # rc-service bird zap
 * Manually resetting bird to stopped state
judicael-ovpn2 ~ # rc-service bird restart
 * Starting BIRD ...                                                      [ ok ]
judicael-ovpn2 ~ # ps aux | grep bird
root     16951 50.1  1.7  40304 35128 ?        Rs   10:49   0:03 /usr/sbin/bird 
-c /etc/bird.conf -s /var/run/bird.ctl
root     17063  0.0  0.1  10860  2168 pts/1    S+   10:49   0:00 grep 
--colour=auto bird
judicael-ovpn2 ~ # birdc 'sh pr'
BIRD 2.0.4 ready.
Name       Proto      Table      State  Since         Info
device1    Device     ---        up     10:49:03.725
direct1    Direct     ---        up     10:49:03.725
kernel_ipv4 Kernel     master4    up     10:49:03.725
kernel_ipv6 Kernel     master6    up     10:49:03.725
ibgp_nominoe_ipv4 BGP        ---        up     10:49:05.942  Established
ibgp_nominoe_ipv6 BGP        ---        up     10:49:05.942  Established
ibgp_budic_ipv4 BGP        ---        up     10:49:07.189  Established
ibgp_budic_ipv6 BGP        ---        up     10:49:07.656  Established
ospf_ipv4  OSPF       master4    up     10:49:03.725  Running
ospf_ipv6  OSPF       master6    up     10:49:03.725  Running

I looked at the init script (in the files dir of the ebuild), but I
didn’t see what could fail.


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