Mick wrote:
> On Wednesday, 6 March 2019 03:15:14 GMT Michael Cook wrote:
>> On 3/5/19 8:34 PM, Philip Webb wrote:
>>> 190305 Michael Cook wrote:
>>>> On 3/5/19 7:47 PM, Dale wrote:
>>>>> I just did a KDE plasma upgrade to 5.15.  I ran into a slight problem
>>>>> that may or may not affect others so I wanted to give a heads up
>>> -- snip --
>>>> Doing a revdep-rebuild.sh found the issue for me.
>>>> Note the newer version of this script without .sh did not find the issue.
>>> So what was the actual problem & how did you solve it ??
>>> Don't just leave us in suspense (sigh).
>> /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/XmlListModel/libqmlxmllistmodelplugin.so
>> (symbol
>> _ZN3QV46Object12insertMemberEPNS_6StringEPKNS_8PropertyENS_18PropertyAttribu
>> tesE version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API not defined in file libQt5Qml.so.5 with link
>> time reference)
>> dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns was also updated, must have built/linked against
>> old libs due to using --jobs
> Did you run 'emerge -a -v @preserved-rebuild' before trying revdep-rebuild, 
> or 
> revdep-rebuild.sh?
> To date I have not found, or cannot recall, an occasion where revdep-rebuild 
> rebuilt anything following a run of @preserved-rebuild.  I have stopped 
> running revdep-rebuild.sh for years now thinking it is redundant.

I was told to run preserved-rebuild and did.  It built several packages
fine but failed on a package called guile or something like that.  Even
now it won't build.  I'm hoping it will get a better ebuild when I do my
next sync.  Also, during the regular emerge, it rebuilt a lot of
packages.  It picked up on some but it seems it missed one at least. 

Like you, I have not ran revdep-rebuild in so long, I forgot all about
it.  I wish I had thought of it because I'd like to report the bug if I
had enough info about what actually got broken. 


:-)  :-) 

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