Dale wrote:
> Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>> On 13/04/2019 11:11, Dale wrote:
>>> Anyway, I want to set it so that the highest resolution it
>>> will download is 720P. [...]
>>> I stuck the following into the file, in each location I tried.
>>> ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best
>>>  From my googling, that's what is shown is several places as being
>>> correct.
>>> What am I missing here?  Does it look in a new place that I haven't
>>> found yet?  Name changed?  Something else?  Anyone have a idea on where
>>> this goes and/or why this isn't working?
>> Are you actually downloading with youtube-dl, or are you viewing them
>> directly with mpv? Because the mpv config file is only used by mpv,
>> not by youtube-dl:
>> https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md#configuration
>> Anyway, you should limit the width of the video, not the height. For
>> 720p, the width would be 1280. To get the highest quality encoding,
>> prefer VP9 (webm) instead of H.264 (mp4), but allow H.264 fallback if
>> a video doesn't have a VP9 encoding. Also, I use a rule to prevent
>> dash segments because (at least in the past) prevents video seeking
>> from working. I use SMPlayer as an MPV front-end, and in the advanced
>> settings, I use this:
>> --ytdl-format
>> bestvideo[ext=webm][width<=?2560]+bestaudio/bestvideo[ext=mp4][protocol!=http_dash_segments][width<=?2560]+bestaudio/best
>> This is to limit to 1440p though. For 720p, use a 1280 width:
>> --ytdl-format
>> bestvideo[ext=webm][width<=?1280]+bestaudio/bestvideo[ext=mp4][protocol!=http_dash_segments][width<=?1280]+bestaudio/best
> I'm actually downloading with youtube-dl.  I thought it odd that it
> would refer to a mpv file for downloading.  Still, when I searched, it
> is what kept popping up.  Maybe a search term confused google.  After I
> posted, I tried searching for other terms and found the link you
> reference in your post.  I then created the file here: 
> /etc/youtube-dl.conf  I put in the same as mentioned before but it still
> downloads a huge file.  I got this using exiftool:
> root@fireball / # exiftool
> /home/dale/Desktop/Documents/Food/long-path-to-video.mp4 | grep size
> File Size                       : 192 MB
> Movie Data Size                 : 200847130
> Image Size                      : 1920x1080
> root@fireball / #
> It still seems to ignore that I want a smaller video.  Just for clarity:
> root@fireball / # cat /etc/youtube-dl.conf
> ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best
> root@fireball / #
> I'll try your setting but I would think it would still pick something
> smaller than 1920x1080.  Right? 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Just tried this as well. 

root@fireball / # cat /home/dale/.config/youtube-dl/config
root@fireball / #

It still insists on downloading the largest file.  Like this:

root@fireball / # exiftool
/home/dale/Desktop/Documents/Food/long-path-to-file.mp4 | grep size
File Size                       : 191 MB
Movie Data Size                 : 1689868
Image Size                      : 1920x1080
root@fireball / #

I'm sure this is some silly thing I'm missing here.  Maybe a typo or
something??  I'm trying to copy and paste when I can since it helps
prevent typos. 



:-)  :-) 

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