On Tuesday, 14 May 2019 18:07:40 BST Jack wrote:
> On 5/14/19 12:26 PM, tu...@posteo.de wrote:

> > Question is:
> > How can I create such an "receiver" for USB Audio signals to play
> > them live with my PC?
> > 
> > Cheers!
> > Meino
> That's very different from what I (and I suspect others) thought about
> your first posting.  You want to do USB audio input, not output.

May be worth searching the interwebs for 'USB streaming'.

> In
> this case, I don't think a usual USB audio device/dongle would even
> help.  My first suggestion is to just plug the USB from the Teensy into
> the PC, and see what dmesg shows, and what lsusb shows.  Searching on
> the manufacturer and device IDs shown by lsusb might lead to solutions,
> or at least to further lines of investigation.  Also, the Teeny docs
> might give more information about what kind of USB output their audio
> produces, and I wonder if you might find some good info on their forum?
> Jack

Assuming dmesg shows the device is recognised and it offers something ALSA can 
work with, launch jackd/qjackctl and see what you can configure there.  I 
assume the synthesizer output is midi(?), in which case rosegarden will work 
with it.  If it is already processed into digital audio then you may be able 
to play the input with VLC, by either pointing to the USB device (file), or 
perhaps play with VLC's Capture Device options, if it is recognised as such.


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