On Wednesday, 22 May 2019 22:03:44 BST n952...@web.de wrote:
> It's getting late tonight to try this - before I do so tomorrow, does anyone
> have any thoughts about the following plan?
> I want one machine facing the internet that's my local mirror and if
> a client needs something that's not on the mirror, the emerge will fail and
> I'll get it onto the mirror manually first.
> I'm thinking I need to set these variables:
> - make.conf: FEATURES = force-mirror
> - make.conf: GENTOO_MIRRORS doesn't seem to do anything

It should do.  It tells the client systems where to fetch distfiles from.  You 
should only have the local server specified in here, or they will recursively 
use other external mirrors listed until they find the source files they are 
trying to emerge.

> - /etc/portage/mirrors:
>   local

This will only be used if the ebuild specifies a URI as a 'mirror://'.  Many 
ebuilds don't (e.g. chromium).

> I've already set up /etc/portage/repos.conf on the clients and rsyncd on
> the server.  The local mirror of ebuilds seems to work.  I've also set up
> my apache server to have access to the local repository (I'm somewhat
> less sure of my distfiles server)

Since you're using http, test with wget to see what the server provides and 
keep an eye on the apache server logs for any misconfiguration errors.


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