John Covici wrote:
> It would seem impossible for me to switch to profile 17.1.  I say this
> because I can never run emerge --depclean .  I have a few packages
> which will not compile and one not in the tree anymore.  the packages
> which will not compile are mono- and totem-3.30 -- I have filed
> bugs against both of them.  Inn no longer configures and I have
> discussed this in another thread.  So, where can I go with this?  I
> hate to just go forward, although these packages look they don't have
> any lib32 dependencies.  Wat do you thihnk about this?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I read other replies and had a thought.  Couldn't you run emerge -p
--depclean and let it list what needs cleaning up, then clean it up
manually with -C or some other option that works?  It would take more
time to do it that way but at least you would have a cleaner system
without removing your packages you want to keep.  May make the profile
switch easier. 

Also, you could use --exclude on --depclean as well.  Since I rarely
reboot, I do manual updates on my kernel, I emerge them then mask them
so it doesn't want to update every little version increase.  When I run
--depclean, I have to use --exclude gentoo-sources to make it ignore my
kernel sources.  In your case, emerge -p --depclean --exclude mono
--exclude totem --exclude inn, assuming I have that last one spelled

Just make sure you use -a or -p with those first.  Wouldn't want to
forget and really mess up something.  :/ 

Would either of those work for you? 


:-)  :-) 

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