On Tuesday, 18 June 2019 22:58:24 BST mad.scientist.at.la...@tutanota.com 
> As I'm doing a new install anyway is there any problem with using profile
> 17.1 from the start that i should know about?  Any big confusing problems
> that is, "minor" stuff i can be a little patient with.

I've installed a new system and the stage-3 I used did not have the 17.1 
profile applied yet.  As soon as I chroot'ed into the newly downloaded stage 3 
fs, I sync'ed portage and then followed the instructions in the latest news 
article for migrating to the 17.1 profile.  This was quick and easy to do, 
since I had not installed any packages yet.  Once this was completed I duly 
followed the steps in the gentoo handbook as normal.

I understand releng were about to prepare a new stage 3 and live media with 
profile 17.1, but I don't know if this has been released yet.  Either way, if 
you find /lib32 and /usr/lib32 in your stage 3, just do as I did early in the 
installation and you'll make light work of it.


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