Grant Taylor wrote:
> Is there a way to get equery to list keywords from custom overlays
> (configured through /etc/portage/repos.conf/<repo name>.conf)?
> If I put an ebuild file in the main Gentoo portage repo, equery
> keywords <package> works just fine.
> If I move the same ebuild file to my local repo, equery keywords
> <package> fails.
> (Yes, I updated the mainifest with repoman in both repositories.)
> I'm liking the local repo for things, but I'm used to using equery
> keywords and equery uses, neither of which seem to work as desired. 
> :-/  I'm assuming that it's my ignorance.

I'm not sure this will apply.  I know this option works in some uses but
not sure about yours.  You may want to try it tho and see if it does
what you want. 

       -o, --overlay-tree
              Include package from overlays in the search path.

I use it this way at times:

equery list -po <package>

That tells it to include packages that are in my local overlay, or other
overlays as well. 

May not help but it might. 


:-)  :-) 

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