
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 11:24:07 -0600
Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been using OpenOffice 2.0 since the 1.9.xx beta era.  For a while,
> I've had issues with the responsiveness when I click a menu or use the
> scroll bar with my mouse.  Clicking a menu or scrolling with the mouse
> causes the program to pause for a few seconds before something happens.
>  I don't have this issue with other applications.  Is this an
> installation or configuration issue?  Or is it simply a slow OpenOffice?
>  Anyone else have similar symptoms?  Can it be fixed?

You're shure that your hardware allows a fluent work with OOo? You
might want to keep an eye on swapin/swapout measure at the time you're
experiencing this. You can monitor this easily by issuing

$ vmstat 2

in a shell window. If the si/so values are high in such a situation,
you simply lack a bit of RAM.

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