
I've mentioned before that I used a Motorola Razr cell phone, ancient as
it is.  Well, the USB port wore out and it was hard to get it to charge
up the battery.  Finally, I got tired of having to fiddle with it to get
it to charge so I bought a Samsung Galaxy J2, Dash version.  Up under
the battery it says J260A.  I did some googling and found some software
that says it will allow me to access the data on it.  I'm mostly wanting
to access the SD card but would also like to be able to access other
things such as contacts, calendar etc.  This is what I installed: 
sys-fs/android-file-transfer-linux  While I can access some things, it
seems not to list anything useful.  Most directories are empty which is
sort of hard to believe. 

Is there other software that I can't find that allows this to be done? 
GUI would be nice but I suspect if I can figure out what to use, a
regular file manager will be used. 

While here, is there a website that lists all the android type phones,
Samsung brand would be good, and compares them?  At some point I may
upgrade but am having trouble finding out what has what and which is
actually better.  When I'm trying to pick a CPU, I can find websites
that list CPUs by power, L1 cache and a whole host of other things but I
can't find one for cell phones.  Maybe my google terms aren't quite right. 

By the way, even tho it is a huge leap, kinda liking the new phone. 
Much easier to text and I have a signal inside where the old Razr didn't. 

Thanks much for any pointers. 


:-)  :-) 

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