On Friday, 23 August 2019 05:56:07 BST Dale wrote:
>   It seems it is hardcoded to do this at the moment. 
> This seriously makes me want to start using another file manager.  I
> don't mind someone testing new features but at the very least, have it
> where it can be disabled for those who do not want it or are set up not
> to need it.  

You're missing the point!  As soon as something works as most users want, or 
becoming used to at any rate, the KDE devs will <aheam!> /improve/ their 
software by breaking its most desired functionality - sometimes irrepairably.  

Konqueror was the best file manager ever, with multiple vertical and 
horizontal window split, with kio-slaves which would process or play anything 
and everything you threw at it, with browser integration, ftp/s and sftp/fish, 
etc.  Nope, evidently konqueror wasn't good enough, so here comes dolphin 
which can't do half of what konqueror was able to offer us.  I better not 
mention kmail2, because I don't want anyone to think this message was written 
by Edgar Allan Poe.  :-(



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