On Sunday, 15 September 2019 10:29:13 BST Mick wrote:

> What are/were the contents of the 24-digit hex named directory?

It was empty. Actually it was 32 digits.

> I don't use systemd-boot or bootctl to have first hand experience of what it
> does, but I thought I does not create new hex named directories to dump its
> files in.  It first goes to the ESP partition's mountpoint, typically /boot
> and copy in there /boot/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi and
> /boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI.  I don't know if it requires the ESP partition
> to have been mounted at the time, or if it is clever enough to auto-probe
> and mount it itself.  It also creates /boot/loader/loader.conf, copied from
> /usr/share/systemd/bootctl/loader.conf and finally
> /boot/loader/entries/*.conf for all the boot menu items.  I understand it
> will create configuration files for MSWindows boot loader(s) and for any
> Linux OS installations as long as it finds linux kernels listed under
> /boot/EFI/Linux/.  All of this is unnecessarily complicated for my use
> cases, TBH it even makes GRUB2 look simple, which is why I have avoided
> this particular systemd component and use efibootmgr manually to configure
> the boot menu.

Now you see, there seem to be two ways to arrange the esp and boot partitions. 
The gentoo wiki says to leave a small unpartitioned space for esp data, then 
create a vfat partition for /boot. That's what I did. Other people seem to 
have both functions served by the /boot partition. I think I tried that once 
but got snarled up somewhere.

> Do you see any difference in the bootable kernels listed between 'bootctl
> list' and 'efibootmgr -v'

I don't think so.

> What do you see in the / filesystem when the ESP partition is *not* mounted?

The ESP space is not a partition here.

> > The only way I found to clear up the mess was to write a new gpt partition
> > table, re-create all the partitions and restore from backup.
> Were your partitions messed up, or only the ESP?  If the latter you could
> have recreated that alone and copied files over from a back up.

The ESP, plus one file in /boot:

# cat /boot/loader/loader.conf
#timeout 3
#console-mode keep
default 45b3c9f27eedd9ca60997b555d46f90d-*

It should have been this:

# cat boot/loader/loader.conf
default 30-gentoo-4.19.72
timeout 15

> > Any idea what could have cause this? I've attached a gparted diagram of
> > the disk layout in case it helps.
> It may be the systemd-boot auto-magic does not detect an unmounted partition
> and it proceeds with spewing its goodness all over the / partition's
> filesystem - but I don't know much about systemd or its components.
> > And is there a good way to clear the efi system partition, short of dd-ing
> > a load of zeroes into it? Would that even have helped?
> I would first run 'fsck.vfat -v /dev/nvme0n1p2' with the partition not
> mounted to see if there is any fs corruption.  If there is something wrong
> with its filesystem, I would simply reformat the partition with 'mkfs.vfat
> -v /dev/ nvme0n1p2' and rsync the contents back from a back up.

First I need to decide which ESP and /boot arrangement to use from now on. 
Meanwhile, as I said before, I wrote a new GPT label, then created the 
partitions again and restored them from backup.


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