On Monday, 16 September 2019 14:03:37 BST Mick wrote:
> On Monday, 16 September 2019 08:47:33 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:

> > 1568619006132   Marionette      FATAL   <window id="main-window"
> > ^
> > JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/AutoCompletePopup.jsm, line 113:
> > NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: Component returned failure code: 0x80070057
> > (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIObserverService.removeObserver]
> > 
> > Pro tem I've negated all the system-* flags in package.use.
> I've noticed a similar failure to launch on one system here.  It works when
> launched with --safe-mode, so I assumed some of the many addons on this
> system are causing the failure.  Other systems do not have such problems.

Actually, on two systems FF 68 has been a disaster:

As reported by Peter, it crashes when launched.

I have found three approaches to allow it to launch.

1. Start it with --safe-mode.  A pain, because I have to re-enable the Menu to 
become visible as well as the Bookmards Toolbar.  By definition all addons and 
extensions are disabled.

2. Remove all my tweaked preference settings:

I deleted all of my customised preferences by moving ~.mozilla/firefox/

Then restarted it.  It launched with its new start up page and what not.  
Everything worked.  I did NOT change any settings what-so-ever.  I closed it 
and relaunched it.  The window now has no window title bar at the top.  It 
also shows no bookmarks.  Menus are empty.  What the ... ?!

3. Create a new blank profile.  This works fine, until/unless I try to tweak 
telemetry settings.

It seems 1. above works, but it's a pain.  Approach 2. works too, but only 
once.  Approach 3. appears to work so far.  I disabled the Sync function too 
and it still launches.  This change in behaviour of a browser which worked 
without any major hickups here for many years is bloody annoying.  O_O

I don't mind recompiling it if this is what must happen, is there any 
particular system-* USE flag which I should disable?  BTW, in previous 
versions I have these FF USE flags set in a corresponding package.use file:

system-harfbuzz system-icu system-jpeg system-libevent system-libvpx system-
sqlite -wifi



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