I downloaded a recent (20190925) Minimal Installation amd64 image and
tried to boot into it from a USB device. An old version of
SystemRescueCD is installed alongside and boots fine.

The machine is fairly old and has traditional BIOS and 2048M RAM

My GRUB menuentry for the image is

menuentry "Gentoo Minimal Installation CD 20190925" {
        search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
        set iso=/install-amd64-minimal-20190925.iso
        loopback loop ${iso}
        linux  (loop)/boot/gentoo keymap=dvorak nosound nonfs isoloop=${iso}
        initrd (loop)/boot/gentoo.igz

Boot fails at determining root device:
!! Could not find the root block device in .

I guess menuentry might be misconfigured but I can't figure out what's
wrong with it. Minimal Installation CD is supposed to be bootable even
in the absence of external storage devices, so everything should happen
inside RAM, right? If so, then I don't get what could possibly go wrong
as long as kernel and initrd are found unless there's an issue with
Minimal Installation CD itself.

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