Mick wrote:
> On Monday, 28 October 2019 08:25:06 GMT Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 02:46:45 -0500, Dale wrote:
>>> Thanks much for the info.  Maybe the switch will go well for me too. 
>> If it works for you it will be good news for the rest of us ;-)
> If hald's list of devices has anything to do with it, Dale is bound to nail 
> it 
> on the first (re)boot!  :-)
> The consolekit framework is responsible switching between users on a system.  
> As I understand it, when you go to 'Plasma/Leave/Switch User' menu option, 
> console kit daemon is responsible for:
> 1. Looking at PAM and any processes you own as a user in a login session.
> 2. Checking which seat (local or remote) you are logged in as and associating 
> the hardware you are using with it (e.g. keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.).
> 3. Connecting to the d-bus system bus to manage the local login session and 
> pass control of hardware devices to the new user.
> 4. When the new user enters their credentials at the Display Manager, check 
> with PAM what processes the new user is authorised to access/use in their 
> login session.
> I should have the above mostly correct.  You may ask if any of this control 
> framework complexity is *necessary* for a single user called Dale, who won't 
> allow anyone else to take his 'seat' at the PC without a fight.  The answer 
> is 
> probably no, and this is why simpler desktop environments like *box, 
> Enlightenment, etc. do not offer the facility to switch users and therefore 
> do 
> not ultimately need consolekit.
> There are no screenshots of consolekit/elogind because AFAIK neither offer a 
> GUI application.  However, when you run 'ck-list-sessions' in a terminal 
> you'll see your local session, as well as any other login sessions you may be 
> running at the time, e.g. /dev/tt1, remote logins over ssh and which of these 
> are active at the time.
> Since consolekit is no longer under development and systemd appears to have 
> taken over most of the Linux distros, elogind is the current service which 
> can 
> run as stand alone on openrc (just as udev of systemd does).
> When elogind is running you can use 'loginctl list-sessions' in a terminal to 
> see who's running a session.  The man page gives more options.
> You don't *have* to add elogind as a boot service, because any applications 
> which need it will launch it themselves.  However, don't be surprised if some 
> desktop functions are not working as expected.  For example, the SDDM Display 
> Manager's shutdown/reboot buttons may not be displayed and even if they are 
> displayed they'll do nothing when you click on them after a reboot.  If after 
> a reboot you login/out into your Plasma desktop, then elogind will be running 
> and the SDDM buttons should function again normally.
> I have converted a number of systems to elogind.  It should be as easy as 
> setting in your make.conf:
> USE="elogind -consolekit"
> grep consolekit -r /etc/portage
> to find and remove/replace any USE flags still asking for consolekit to be 
> emerged.  Then,
> emerge --depclean -v -a consolekit
> emerge -uaNDv @world
> emerge @preserved-rebuild -v -a
> rc-update del consolekit
> rc-update add elogind boot
> reboot
> >From memory that's all there is to it.

Thanks much for the info.  Let's not go down the hal road.  Still gets
my blood pressure up.  lol 

It sounds like I don't need it but most likely KDE will moan and groan
without it so I'll just switch and let the chips fall where they may.  I
guess if nothing else, while it is still in the tree at least, I could
switch back and try to find solutions to whatever I run into.  Once it's
gone tho, not a option, easy one at least. 

Thanks again.


:-)  :-) 

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