John Jolet wrote:
Two things, well several things, really. You need more than one mail server, or you need a store-and-forward mx in case your mail server goes down. Second, I'd make sure you put antivirus and spam guards on the mail server, and that it's beefy enough to handle the traffic. A good split is to put a bastion mail server doing antivirus and spam checks, but no user verification outside the firewall (or inside a non-natting firewall), and have him just forward everything to a secure mail server inside. put the secure mail server with a non-routable ip, and the bastion mail server with one public ip, and one non-routable, to talk to the secure mail server. Make sure both mail servers are up-to-date and kept up to date patchwise. Run NO other services (except maybe ssh) on either server.

I'd skip the store and forward, it does nothing for you IMHO. The default queue time on most mail servers is 5 days. That should be more than enough time to get your mail server up and running or move your mail to somehwere else. If 5 days isn't enough time to make arrangements, then having a backup MX with store and forward would add some value. However store and forward servers don't allow you to check your mail from them in most cases so we're talking about no one in the office getting their mail for 5+ days. I'd definitely make plans for an outage, but I don't see store and forward as a necessary part of disaster recovery.

Before splitting your mail up into multiple machines think about the number of users you have, the amount of mail you get, and what sort of server you have. A decent sized server can easily deal with a 50-100 person office using webmail, imap, and spam filtering. I'm sure you can find someway to shoot yourself in the foot and need more servers, but some simple planning should keep that from happening.

1. Block mail up front.
Use greylisting as it stops spam before it enters the MTA's queue. This keeps 90% of my spam from even entering the more resounce intensive filtering processes.

2. Don't use blacklists
30% false positive rate. Comapared to 1-2% for Bayesian or Markovian filtering.

3. Do some simple check up front, but don't do too many.
Require a helo, reject invalid hostnames, reject unknown domains, reject non FQDN, and that's pretty much it. Requiring DNS to match and other checks is something you can do, but I've found that there are too many poorly configured legitimate mail servers for this to be worth the hassle.

Protecting your mail server is good, but you need to make that decision based on how you plan to use it. I've seen offices where you had to log into the VPN in order to check your mail, much like the system John described above. I've seen others where it was out on a public IP with no protection. Personally I go for somewhere in the middle.

1. Firewall
You have one, so no problems here. Do remember that any sort of smtp protocol inspection usually breaks smpt-auth so you may need to turn that off.

2. Encryption
You're not going to have all sorts of bearely litterate idiots using your mail server so you can configure and force all your users to use TLS with smtp, imap-ssl, pop3-ssl, and actually not run the unsecure services at all.

3. Webmail and user management
I needed to support webmail and also wanted to use PostfixAdmin as the frontend to mail. PostfixAdmin allows users to change their password and set their own vacations which is all stuff I don't have to do anymore. PostfixAdmin also allows me to create users, aliaes, add domains, etc without having to deal with phpmyadmin or writing the SQL manually in a virtual system... you might not need to get that complicated. I'm also running Horde and did some changes that allow users to change their password through there as well to keep support requests down. Running these requires Apache, mod_php, and mod_ssl if you want to force https for logins and what not. If you're small enough I'd just force https period. I suspect that'll you'll need webmail or it'll just be too handy not to do. Make sure you look into some of the tuning stuff to keep it fast like imap-proxy.

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