
Back in 2015, I created several working ebuilds from tar files for Mesos. It's been a while, so I was wondering what new documentation/guides there are for creating ebuilds, current with EAPI-7 or even some simple examples to follow. I found lots of links, but nothing simple-straight-forward. Cookbooks to mimic?

My existing ebuilds are 62 lines or less but are EAPI-5.
Lots of details have changed

Once I hack an ebuild for mesos, if anyone is interested, I'd put it up somewhere for common benefit.
Mesos is still listed in the 'top 10 best container software in 2020'

just a bit rusty and slowly getting my gentoo mojo back....

Mesos history::

Some very old docs::

I included some redundant docs, trying to get others involved in testing and ideas for docs, that are gentoo centric.

--noob(old&&forgetful) ebuild hack,

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