Mick and All,

On Saturday, 2019-12-21 12:22:31 +0000, you wrote:

> ...
> A Gentoo user with consolekit and xfce should kindly check their settings and 
> compare with yours to see if something is amiss.  I'm thinking, any xfce 
> regression bugs ought to affect more than one user at a time, so you 
> shouldn't 
> be alone in this.

Well, it's been a while ...

In my attempt to hunt down this bug I stumbled upon more than one omiss-
ion, glitch, misinterpretation, you name it that had crept into my init-
ial Gentoo installation.   And since I had to fix these anyway, progress
on the initial problem was somewhat slow.

Eventually I found that

   $ ck-list-sessions

just returned nothing.   There wasn't any  ConsoleKit session running at
all!  I was using "x11-misc/sddm" as a desktop manager and something had
made it stop starting a ConsoleKit session before starting Xfce.  I nev-
er found out what, but found a workaround.  Before it starts Xfce "sddm"
sources "~/.xsession", if it exists.  Therefore running

   $ echo 'exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session $@' > 

once and then rebooting solves the problem.   Within the script sourcing
"~/.xsession" the arguments "$@"  will expand to the command  (including
arguments)  configured to  start your session  ("startxfce4" in my case)
and the "exec" prefix will simply prevent this script  from running "$@"
twice.  However, since I also had other reservations about "sddm" I dec-
ided to replace it with "lightdm" which correcly ran out of the box (ex-
cept for configuring the background image and -- most importantly -- the
keyboard layout for entering the password).  And "lightdm" does not need

So finally a big thank you to all the kind people trying to help ... :-)


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