Michael Jones wrote:
> Again, no animosity against anyone:
> But Rich, Linux-4.19.97 was released on Jan 17th, and then
> gentoo-sources-4.19.97 was released on Jan 18th,
> whereas https://bugs.gentoo.org/706036 was acknowledged to be fixed by
> Linux-4.19.99 on Jan 29th, and it's now Feb 9th and no newer
> gentoo-sources package has been stabilized.
> So we've got some inconsistency in how the gentoo-sources package is
> stabilized. You don't mind going directly with the upstream package,
> but I personally do, which is why I used the gentoo-sources package
> for my kernel needs in large part because I have trust in the Gentoo
> distribution to provide that small but crucial extra layer of insider
> knowledge on how likely a particular upstream kernel release is going
> to break my systems.
> I certainly don't have a relationship with Gentoo where I pay money to
> someone and expect some kind of service level guarantees, so honestly
> this email is just a lot of hot-air. But if Gentoo wants to provide
> good experiences to end users who are updating their kernels, I
> personally think it's worth considering the release cadance and
> whether the currently used one is the right fit for the actual goals
> of the project.
> I'm not saying the current cadance isn't the right one, and i'm not
> saying it is. I'm just saying in this particular situation, it didn't
> fit one specific end-users needs, and maybe that's fine, and maybe
> it's not. I'm not the one putting in the work, so I'm not going to say
> the project *should* take an action. Just point out that there was a
> problem from my perspective.

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