On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 3:50 AM Michael <confabul...@kintzios.com> wrote:
> I have lost count with the naming scheme of Intel's embedded spyware to know
> if this is yet another vulnerability, or something to convince me to throw
> away the last Intel powered box still in my possession (mind you its >10yr
> old):
> https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/03/5-years-of-intel-cpus-and-chipsets-have-a-concerning-flaw-thats-unfixable/

The article is actually pretty well-written.  I haven't studied the
issue in any depth but here are my impressions:

1.  You need a firmware update to prevent software vulnerabilities.
2.  Even with a firmware update you are vulnerable to somebody with
physical access to your device.

The whole issue centers around TPM essentially.  This potentially
impacts you if you don't care about TPM, but it impacts you more if
you do care about TPM.

If you don't use TPM (probably many on this list), then your main
concern should just be with getting your firmware patched (#1 above).
Otherwise you could be vulnerable to rootkits that hijack the TPM on
your machine and use it to spy on you in hard-to-detect ways.  Based
on the article a firmware patch should block the ability for software
to get into your TPM and mess with it.  Then you're basically safe.
If you aren't using TPM you're already vulnerable to somebody with
physical access to your device, so there is no real change in the
threat model for you.

Now let's get to those who use TPM or the other impacted trusted
services.  You use these if:
1.  You rely on secure boot (with any OS - Linux does support this
though I imagine it is rare for Gentoo users to use it).
2.  You rely on TPM-backed full disk encryption.  This includes
Bitlocker and most commercial solutions.  This doesn't include LUKS.
If your disk is unreadable if you remove it from the computer, but you
don't need any password to boot it, then you're probably using
TPM-backed encryption.
3.  You are Netflix/etc and are relying on remote attestation or any
of the technologies RMS would term "treacherous computing."
4.  You are a corporate owner of computers and are relying on the same
technologies in #3 but to actually protect your own hardware.  Or
maybe if you're the only person in the world using Trusted GRUB.

If you fall into this camp you need to still update your firmware to
address the non-TPM-user and to avoid making it trivial for software
to steal your keys/etc.  However, you need to be aware that you are no
longer secure against physical theft of your device.  Somebody who
steals your laptop with passwordless encryption might be able to break
the encryption on your device.  They would need to steal the entire
laptop though - if you throw out a hard drive nobody will be able to
recover it from the trash.  If you're Netflix I'm not sure why you're
even bothering with this stuff because all your content is already
available in full quality on torrent sites, but I guess you can lose
even more sleep over it if you want to.  If you're using secure boot
then somebody with physical access might be able to change the
authorization settings and let another OS boot.  If you're a
corporation with sensitive data you probably have the biggest impact,
because you're distributing laptops to people who lose them and who
don't have a ton of security hygiene to begin with.

The only people who probably will consider replacing hardware are
corporate users.  Most on this list are going to be fine with a
firmware update as you're probably not using the TPM features.
Indeed, even getting those working on Linux is a PITA - I'm not aware
of any distro that has TPM-backed encryption out of the box.  Windows
has this in the pro edition (Bitlocker) and it is probably fairly

If you use LUKS-based encryption you are going to be secure with
patched firmware as long as nobody installs a keylogger on your
device.  That will be easier with the vulnerability, though somebody
could just hack the keyboard hardware anyway and LUKS wouldn't protect
you against that.  TPM has pros and cons compared to LUKS in general.
If you don't patch your firmware then it is possible a rootkit might
get in there and steal your keys at boot time.

If somebody has more to add from researching this more I'm all ears.
Now I need to check if my windows tablet with Bitlocker is vulnerable.
This also shows the downside to TPM encryption - it is convenient but
if somebody steals a laptop and just keeps it stored away they could
always use a vulnerability like this to break in sometime in the
future.  It is probably still worth using as a minimum because it does
protect against hard drive loss, and it works if your TPM isn't


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