On Thursday, 19 March 2020 17:53:53 GMT J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On 19 March 2020 18:19:38 CET, Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:
> >Hello list,
> >
> >I want to set up a web server on a local box, and I'm following the
> >Gentoo
> >guide[1]. I'd like two sites: one under /var/www/localhost and the
> >other under
> >/var/www/mydomain, in which mydomain is registered to me.
> >
> >The main problem I'm having is that all the Gentoo documents I've found
> >assume
> >far too much familiarity with apache. I've installed NextCloud using
> >webapp-
> >config; this is the layout:
> >
> >$ tree -L 3 /var/www
> >/var/www
> >├── localhost
> >│   └── htdocs
> >│       ├── fcgid-bin
> >│       ├── index.orig
> >│       └── index.php
> >└── mydomain
> >
> >    ├── cgi-bin
> >    ├── error
> >    ├── htdocs
> >    │   ├── cloud
> >    │   ├── fcgid-bin
> >    │   ├── index.orig
> >    │   └── index.php
> >    └── icons
> >
> >Is this a suitable layout? Once I get past this I may be asking for
> >help with /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/* .

There is nothing wrong with your layout.

It is easier to have the webroot of multiple domains hosted under /var/www, 
each in their respective directory; e.g.





and leave /var/www/localhost/htdocs as the default catch-all apache webpage to 
be served for testing purposes.

Then set separate configuration files (/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/* and /etc/
apache2/modules.d/*) for each domain, which you can easily clone/copy 

> Is there a specific reason you are using Apache?
> I found it far simpler to use Nginx when dealing with different websites,
> incl. seperate SSL certificates per site even though it is 1 server and
> public IP.
> --
> Joost

nginx has a smaller footprint and it is faster than apache, especially when 
serving static websites.  I understand NextCloud works with WebDAV and nginx 
also comes with WebDAV modules to allow this functionality.  For low user 
numbers either will do, but if we're talking about a home grown embedded 
device acting as the server I would lean towards nginx or other light-footed 

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