On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 12:17 AM Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Howdy,
> As some know from another thread, I installed and started using
> veracrypt.  It has the option to use the kernel encryption tools but
> they are not enabled on my kernel, just the default stuff.  I found what
> I think to be the ones veracrypt wants to use but was curious if I
> should enable some others that are commonly used.

I've wondered about what uses kernel crypto stuff too.

I assumed userspace stuff would use openssl or similar, but looking at the
ebuild for veracrypt, it doesnt use openssl etc but does want CONFIG_CRYPTO
from the kernel so I guess it just depends on how the software is written.

>From the veracrypt-1.24_p4.ebuild;

But if we look at iwd-1.5.ebuild there's logic like;
        if use cpu_flags_x86_ssse3 && use amd64; then
                WARNING_CRYPTO_SHA1_SSSE3="CRYPTO_SHA1_SSSE3: enable for
increased performance"
                WARNING_CRYPTO_SHA256_SSSE3="CRYPTO_SHA256_SSSE3: enable
for increased performance"
                WARNING_CRYPTO_SHA512_SSSE3="CRYPTO_SHA512_SSSE3: enable
for increased performance"

So if you assume the veracrypt ebuild authors are as diligent as the iwd
ebuild authors, i'd say there's no advantage in enabling anything more than

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