Dale wrote:
> tu...@posteo.de wrote:
>> Hi Dale, 
>> I am now running kernel 5.6.9 (vanilla) and nvidia-driver 440.82-r3.
>> Again, Blender cannot find the Optix related parts of the driver.
>> This package still does not work for me. As far as I can see,
>> the non-Optix specific things are fine, though.
>> So I will reboot, remove the portage package of the driver and
>> install the original by nvidia and this will fix the issue
>> with Optix...
>> Cheers!
>> Meino
> Thanks for the info.  Now I think I'm good to go. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Hi all,

Picking random message to reply with update.

I updated to nvidia-drivers-440.82 and got it to work.  Perhaps this is
just a minor hickup but when I loaded the nvidia modules, it didn't load
the drm and modeset ones it depends on.  Maybe it was something I missed
or once I get into my new kernel or reboot, it would work correctly
then.  I don't recall it ever doing that before.  I'll make a note of
that.  For anyone else who upgrades without a reboot and X doesn't come
up, make sure all the video modules are loaded.  X does not come up
without them all.  Sort of freaked me out a bit for a second.  lol 

I'm still on my old kernel but nvidia did build and install for both my
current kernel and the new one which is gentoo-sources-5.6.7.  I plan to
boot into it when my batteries come in and I put those in my UPS. 

Once all that gets done, new video drivers, new kernel, new UPS
batteries and since I update tonight and the batteries come in tomorrow,
a up to date OS as well.  Between that and the awesome new disc I'm
using to prepare my garden, I can't complain.  :-D 

Thanks to all.


:-)  :-) 

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