On 5/6/20 11:39 PM, Dale wrote:
Pengcheng Xu wrote:
Sorry for possible necroposting, but I'm pretty interested what's happening in this 
thread, as there seems to be detailed discussion on topics under this "Is Gentoo 
dead?" clickbait subject.  The whole conversation list does not even fit in a single 
screen...  Would someone kindly provide some clue what's going on?


Well, it is about Gentoo and the perception someone had that Gentoo is dying, which has been claimed for many, many years now.� Then the thread started taking off into other directions.� It got slightly off topic, very off topic a couple times and then back on topic. These threads tend to bring out quite a few responses and most can't resist posting, myself included in that as well.� I might add, there threads are usually started by a newcomer and typically they disappear when they realize how active Gentoo really is.� The OP for this thread posted for a couple days and I don't see any posts after that.� Most likely, unsubscribed and long gone.

If you enjoy using Gentoo, or if you don't, if you skip this thread, you won't be missing a whole lot.� I don't recall any breaking news or life saving tips in it.� ROFL


:-)� :-)

Spot on. Similarly, folks, mostly youngsters, have been predicting the death of 'C'. There are a multitude of reasons C is still the go to language and ought to be mandatory for folks to learn BEFORE any other language. C gives us freedom, and with C, there is no Unix, BSD, or linux, ymmv. Go read this before bashing an old computer scientist:

"Programming language C is back in the number one spot"


So I wonder how many of the Gentoo naysayers, actually have written any significant code in C? Pointer please.

Arguably the hottest piece of code, was written (mostly)
by a Gentoo aficionado: none other that Jason Donefeld,
in guess what language?


Gentoo is C centric, since the beginning, whilst enabling a plethora of other languages, that have their place and are, for the most part, wonderful.

Anyone attacks, or speaks poorly of Gentoo, is pretty much clueless. Last time I looked, it's still rated as one of the top Linux distros, of all time, when you consider a 20 year perspective. Today, Gentoo seeks to run off the lazy, the inept and those that want to trivialize computational complexities.Ubuntu, Mint and others are more well suited for the masses, the lazy and the inept.

Not to mention  Gentoo was the foundation of CoreOS.
CoreOS advance many 'hot swap kernel' tricks and was purchased by Redhat, as Traditional Redhat is arcane, crusty and bloated. IBM, on their deathbed, has purchased Redhat(basically a gentoo derivative now) and is failing in most of their other business dealings; because they lack real computer scientists in their upper management.

Gentoo was, always has, and is still 'kicking ass'; real coders know this, they just keep silent, cause they are MAKING MONEY, off of Gentoo. Gentoo Embedded is a whole other EMPIRE, where folks take credit for building products on embedded systems. GENTOO is still the world's greatest secret in computer science.

Here's a tidbit: The hacker, from the inside, that's right an IBM employee at Watson, used Gentoo to hack the shit out of AIX. That was at the point, the main reason, IBM abandoned that looser distro call AIX. Now IBM, via purchasing RedHat (coreOS <== Gentoo) has taken over 20 years, to realize GENTOO is the greatest linux distro of all time. So I cannot help but feel sorry, for the kids, that the universities do not teach C/Unix/BSD/Linux with any dose of credibility. New is sexy, but statistically, 99% of new fades, often rapidly. Just look at the bone-yard of linux distros and fancy programming languages.

The (IBM) stench is deep. 'Smarty Pants' has recently left his creation of CoreOS; I guess even the IBM stench was too much for even him, despite making millions and millions.....

GENTOO IS THE GREATEST DISTRO EVER! Only the original, historical unix distros come close. Unix is the real reason AT&T was broken up. All that other noise is just a smoke screen, financial maneuvering and just big business. GTE and Honeywell quickly rolled their own 'unix', and the rest is history the universities do not teach, sadly. Don't even get me started on SunOS, and the evil that pursued those lawyers.

be blessed,

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