
> Hi All,
> I am just wondering if there is an option within emerge that will tell
> me which packages need to be re-compiled
> [  R  ]

Soz, forgot to say that the wpa_supplicant is now 0.3.9 and I have tried
going back to 0.3.8, but both do not work.  I am running ndiswrapper (forgot
the version because I am at work at present), but using rt2500.inf for the
windows drivers.  I am thinking about trying out the rtx00 drivers, has
anyone had these drivers working ok ?


> Because I have just updated the wpa_supplicant and now my wireless card
> is not working but found out that baselayout, ndiswrapper and
> wpa_supplicant are all saying that they need to be re-compiled, but
> everytime that I re-emerge them
> emerge wpa_supplicant, it still says that it is needs to be
> re-compiled.
> I am not able to sort out the problem until next week, but thought that
> I would ask so that I have a few things to check out once I am back
> online.
> Cheers
> Ian

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