Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Jul 2020 23:49:14 -0500, Dale wrote:
>> Digging around I found these. 
>> [ebuild  N    ~] sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils-111_p20170609::gentoo  USE="gtk
>> nls pam -doc -gpg -openssl -pkcs11 -python -suid -tpm"
>> PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7" 1,401 KiB
>> [ebuild  N     ] sys-fs/cryptmount-5.3.2::gentoo  USE="gcrypt largefile
>> luks nls openssl udev -argv0switch -cswap -fsck -mount (-selinux)
>> -systemd" 533 KiB
>> Looking at the info I've found tho, I don't think it will do what I'm
>> looking for.  Has anyone used either of these in the past?  If so, does
>> one of these do what I'm looking for?
> ecryptfs-utils is the userland management of the kernel's ecryptfs.
> Ecryptfs uses an overlay filesystem to encrypt files within a directory,
> it is what Ubuntu uses for encrypted home directories
> cryptmount is for working with LUKS filesystems, which appears to be the
> route you are leaning towards. I haven't used it and don't know what
> advantages it has over a user script, if you want to manually mount the
> filesystem, or /etc/crypttab.

I thought Gentoo used /etc/conf.d/dmcypt?  I still haven't figured that
part out yet.  I need to read up on that more.  I'm not sure what it
does exactly, yet.


:-)  :-) 

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