Am Wed, 22 Jul 2020 10:43:39 +0200
schrieb Gerrit Kühn <>:

> > Are there any SAS drive controller cards that go in a PCI slot (Not PCI
> > express).  I suspect it's a silly question but I'd like to find one.  

> I don't know any.

Looking around, I just found two (old) PCI-X based models. If I remember
correctly, PCI-X cards should work in PCI slots (given there is enough
physical place to fit them).
ICP Vortex 9085LI, PCI-X (2216800-R)
LSI Logic SAS 3442X-R, SAS, PCI-X (LSI00164)

Don't know if you can still buy these anywhere (2nd hand maybe?). Be
warned that the LSI one has a Broadcom SAS1068E chipset which afaicr is
known to be limited to 2TB drives.


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