On Sunday, 19 July 2020 15:18:32 BST I wrote:


I think I'm nearly there, but still one config problem eludes me.

The setup is fetchmail > postfix > dovecot.

Postfix is trying to deliver some mail (not all) to me@this-workstation instead 
of to its own machine, and I can't see why. I've tried a couple of relay-host 
settings, but then I just get "warning: relayhost configuration problem" in the 
log, so relay-host is now back to its default value.

Here's an excerpt from main.cf:

myhostname = serv.<my.local.domain>
mydomain = <my.local.domain>
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain

I've tried omitting $mydomain from that last line, but it didn't help.

Can anyone see what I'm missing? (More of main.cf if needed.)


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