On 7/29/20 1:21 PM, Simon Thelen wrote:
[2020-07-29 13:11] Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net>
I've removed every other pkg which might require Python-2.7,
but am stuck with this :

   root:605 ~> emerge -cpv python:2.7

   Calculating dependencies... done!
   dev-lang/python-2.7.18-r1 pulled in by:
     dev-lang/spidermonkey-60.5.2_p0-r4 requires 
     www-client/firefox-68.10.0 requires 

Yes, I've looked in  package.use  & in the ebuilds
& can't find any source of these requirements : can anyone help ?
The dependencies on python2.7 are being added by the mozcoreconf
eclasses.  The firefox requirement is in eclass/mozcoreconf-v6.eclass,
spidermonkey has essentially the same thing but in -v5.eclass

I'm down to (9) or so. Periodically, I use this command to see where I am::

eix --installed-with-use python_targets_python2_7

and in the top of my package.use I have::

*/* PYTHON_TARGETS: python3_6 python3_7 python3_8 python3_9

*/* PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET: -* python3_7
*/* PYTHON_TARGETS: -python2_7

There are many variants on these approaches, depending on how aggressively you want to get rid of python 2_7.

Me, palemoon is my fav browser and it seems to be long term stuck on python 2.7...... Any suggests on a more secure, feature rich browser other than palemoon would be interesting to me to at least test.

But, this is a system, with thousands of packages from gentoo (gentrified) proper, and dozens of other hacks. and dozens of my own (rev-5) ebuilds I'm too lazy/stupid to update to (rev-7). If I were only smarter and motivated......

As I age, I'm getting lazier; and that includes all things gentoo....


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