On 2020-08-15, Sid Spry <s...@aeam.us> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2020, at 5:06 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> [...]
>> >   iptables -A OUTPUT -o <interface> -m owner --uid-owner plex -j DROP
>> I can confirm, that did indeed work as desired.
>> Even with the kernel rebuild it was far less work than getting set up
>> to run a docker container (which also would have required a kernel
>> rebuild) or running the server in a separate network namespace.
>> [...]
> Are you able to see any perf impact from the generated but dropped
> packets?

I haven't tried, but I it's detectable. Plex only sends out a handful
of packets every 5-10 seconds.  It wouldn't really matter except that
the interface I want it to leave alone is attached to an internal
network I use to develop/test IoT and industrial Ethernet devices, and
I want to be able to run tests that are as predictable and repeatable
as possible.

It would probably be better to run Plex on a separate, small, silent,
low-power, headless server but I've already got enough machines to


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