Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 00:21:58 +0800, Pengcheng Xu wrote:
>> The email in question didn’t have "really small, tiny even, font"; it
>> is simply an empty email with no subject and body.
>> Note: times when forcing plain text when reading actually helps :P
> Don't worry Dale, some of us got your sarcasm ;-)

Many years ago, before I used Gentoo, it was claimed, and likely true,
that Govt types were reading our emails looking for key words.  Well, as
a joke some of us gave them something to read.  We put all the keywords
in emails with white letters and a white background.  A person reading
our emails wouldn't see it but it was there, triggering those Govt types
into crazy land.  It was like a signature but invisible.  This was
before Facebook or even myspace if I recall correctly.

Given we know now that the Govt types read our emails, maybe we should
all do that again.  If enough of us do it, it would make things more fun
for us and difficult for them.  ROFL 

Since the OP has yet to respond, I guess they think the email is funny. 
Thing is, I responded to try and help them, like us Gentoo folks tend to
do, so I guess the joke is on them not us.  ;-)


:-)  :-) 

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