On Mon, 24 Aug 2020 11:50:42 +0100, Michael wrote:

> !!! The following installed packages are masked:
> - app-emulation/virtualbox-bin- (masked by:
> package.mask) /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask:
> # Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> (2020-08-22)
> # These packages (or package versions) still require Python 2.7.
> # They are either dead upstream, their Python 3 porting efforts are
> # not progressing or their maintainers are simply unresponsive.
> # Please do not remove any packages from this list unless you actually
> # port it to Python 3.
> # Removal in 30 days.  Tracker bug #694800.
> For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
> man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
> =====================
> I have a number of VBox VM systems, some with active software licenses
> running on them and the VBox-bin is a low-maintenance and convenient
> way to run them. I'd prefer to avoid emerging a non-bin VBox.  Is there
> some way I could keep older packages running in Gentoo, until more up
> to date versions appear again in the tree (if ever)?

Copy the ebuild to a local overlay and add app-emulation/virtualbox-bin
to /etc/portage/profile/package.unmask.

Neil Bothwick

Having children will turn you into your parents.

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