On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 05:19:16PM +0000, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:
> hi.  i request comments on this new mail protocol
> which i plan to implement some day if things turn
> out well.  here is its zeroth draft:
>     https://github.com/al-caveman/hillarymail

Interesting proposal. A few non-technical questions:

Why the name "HillaryMail", and why does the logo contain a picture of Margaret
Thatcher? ;-)

More seriously, do you intend to write a reference implementation, or submit
this as a more formal R.F.C. in the event of it attracting more attention?
Furthermore, accusing every SMTP/POP/IMAP user to be an "idiot" may not be the
best way of attaining support; I must admit, I have never seen that in an
initial protocol proposal. 

I'm also slightly confused regarding the "goals" section.  By "easy to
install/use", do you mean "easy" for the people implementing the protocol, or
the people making use of said implementations? "Traditional" SMTP mail clients
have always been pretty straight-forward for me, although the difficulty
involved in _implementing_ an M.T.A. is another story. I find this point rather


Ashley Dixon

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