On Saturday, 29 August 2020 19:56:39 BST Skippy wrote:
> Greetings.
> I am dealing with a WordPress site that has PHP code written into the
> theme which needs some fixing.
> At least I'm 99% sure that's what is going on.  Since I don't know PHP I
> can hardly be certain about it.
> I'm looking for someone who can look this over, determine what's going
> on, and fix it.
> I can pay you via PayPal.  You tell me what it will cost.
> If available and up to the task you can reply to me directly.  I'll send
> you all the information I have so you can look it over, see if the
> problem is something you can fix, and send me an estimate for your time.
> I figure I'll either get zero response to this, or 20 responses. *ha*
> Thanks much!
> Skippy

I can't help with PHP coding and don't know what the owner/user requirements 
may be for this website, but sorting out some ad-hoc code which arguably may 
not even need to be there, will only prolong pain and add to dev costs at a 
future point in time.

I will instead make a general recommendation for you to consider.  Replace the 
theme with one which is not abandon-ware and is as close to the existing as 
the website owners will accept.  Back up the fs and the database just in case, 
disable all plugins, download the new theme, disable old - enable new theme, 
enable all plugins and see what you get in terms of layout and functionality.  
Then try to sell the new theme as a more modern, post-Covid look to the 
client.  LOL!

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