On Sunday, 13 September 2020 12:40:47 BST antlists wrote:

> You're using the wrong tool to try and fix it. There's clearly something
> wrong with your partition TABLE, and you're using a tool that fixes the
> partition CONTENTS.

Yes, I was clutching at straws, rather.

> Use gparted (or gdisk) on the DISK, and that should sort things out.
> Check whether it thinks those partitions exist or not, and then get it
> to write a new partition table to clean things up.

Gparted 0.31.0 on my rescue CD finds no problems. Parted in this system doesn't 
offer a checking tool, but gdisk does and it reports "no problems". Gparted 
1.1.0 in this system still reports the errors, but only once now on each disk 
(so what's changed there? Beats me). 

Udisks was upgraded on 13 August and I may not have used gparted since then, 
but reverting to the previous version hasn't helped. All the other packages I 
mentioned have not been changed for months.

So I'm still left wondering what to do. I'm happy that the hardware isn't on 
the blink, anyway.


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