On Saturday, 26 September 2020 17:41:06 BST Dan Egli wrote:
> Questions regarding SELinux. Two of them actually. First is how the HECK
> to I get it enabled!? I compiled my kernel to support it, and I do not
> have the disabling line in my boot config. But after rebooting to the
> new kernel, getenforce says disabled. So why is it disabled and how do I
> enable it?

There are a number of steps you need to follow to configure a selinux kernel 
and utilities.  Have you walked through these guides?


In particular, the Installation guide?


> Next, whenever I try to install a SELinux policy that portage missed
> during it's install (not many, but a couple) I get an error. I've
> already created a bug on this
> (https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=744736), but I was wondering if
> anyone on the list had any ideas as to what's wrong.
> Thanks!

In the first instance set 'SELINUX=permissive' in the selinux config and see 
if it works as expected.  Address any errors/warnings and then try switching 
to enforcing.  

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