On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 07:55:18 +0100
n952162 <n952...@web.de> wrote:

> I was just informed by firefox on one of my gentoo machines that firefox
> has updated, I need to restart.
> I no longer find an option to disable automatic update.  Is there no hope?
> And do I have to go through another 18 hour firefox emerge to get rid of
> their "update"?  Or is their binary sitting somewhere different from
> "our" binary?
> Oh!  Can I just remove their binary and do a resume-emerge?

When firefox is updated via emerge while it is still running, this
update is recognised by the running instance and it will tell you that
firefox was updated and needs a restart. No automatic update happened
as you assume, it was all done by the package manager.
If you insist, you can check the binary that is currently running, and
you will most certainly find out that it is not writeable by your user
account, i.e. not by the user that is running firefox:
pgrep -a firefox


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