Britaliope wrote:
> Thank you very much !
> I really did not expect the error to appear so far up in the build.log
> Regards
> Bruno MATEU

For future reference.  If you use a terminal, like Konsole for example,
that has a search function, search for error 1.  That gets you pretty
close to the error but just to be sure, I always go up about 30 lines or
so and start my copy action there.  Generally, it is good to just go all
the way down to the command prompt and paste the whole thing or attach
it as a file.  I'd guess that gets all the needed info 99% of the time. 
While you doing that, see if the error rings a bell and leads to a
solution without even having to wait on a reply here, forums etc etc. 
Sometimes, the error is one that gives you good clues.  Sometimes it

Back when CPUs were single core, the error messages were fairly close to
the bottom.  After all, it was running one or two pieces of code at a
time.  With newer multi-core/threaded CPUs, that message gets further
back the more cores/threads you have. 

I've never been one to say that the whole log should be attached unless
it is fairly short, fails really early.  Some build logs can get really
huge.  LOo, Firefox and such are just a couple I can think of.  Finding
the first failure and going back 30 lines or so should be a really good

Hope that helps in the future. 


:-)  :-) 

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