On 12/13/20 9:18 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:

There's a lot to trawl through here, it looks like you haven't updated
for quite some time.

The (compressed) log of  a system and world update from 20. October
(2020!) is attached.
Nearly 2 months, quite a long time in Gentoo update terms.

!!!  After 2 months the system can no longer be update-able?


   What do

grep -r python3_6 /etc/portage

That showed that the only references are in package.use
But what does it show. We need the output of commands, not some vague
reference to them. I suspected there was something in package.use, but we
need to know what. Those references should probably be removed but no one
can say for sure without seeing them.

Oh sorry.  You mentioned


and I didn't connect that with USE variables.  Here there are (with comments 

$ sed -n -e '/^\s*#/d' -e '/python3_6/p' /etc/portage/package.use/*
=dev-python/certifi-10001-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/setuptools_scm-4.1.2-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/requests-2.24.0-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/chardet-3.0.4-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/idna-2.10-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/urllib3-1.25.11 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/cryptography-3.2.1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/cffi-1.14.0-r3 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/pycparser-2.20-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/ply-3.11-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/PySocks-1.7.1-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/pyopenssl-19.1.0-r1 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/setuptools-50.3.0 python_targets_python3_6
=dev-python/six-1.15.0-r1 python_targets_python3_6

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