During compiling -uavDN @world one of the package refuse to compile

sys-auth/polkit-0.118::gentoo failed (configure phase):
  econf failed

Call stack:
              ebuild.sh, line  125:  Called src_configure
            environment, line 2211:  Called econf '--localstatedir=/var'
'--disable-static' '--enable-man-pages' '--disable-gtk-doc'
'--disable-examples' '--enable-libelogind' '--enable-introspection'
'--enable-nls' '--with-pam-module-dir=/lib/security' '--with-authfw=pam'
'--with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system' '--disable-test'
       phase-helpers.sh, line  680:  Called __helpers_die 'econf failed'
  isolated-functions.sh, line  112:  Called die
The specific snippet of code:
                die "$@"

Now, I can no longer ssh to to it, I get:
Connection reset by port 22

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