On Sat, 19 Dec 2020 20:52:48 -0500,
Walter Dnes wrote:
>   Apologies for wasting peoples' time.  I was also inserting a rather
> large USE variable whilst removing pam.  This was a shock for the system
> and the real reason for system breakage..  Removing pam had nothing to
> do with it.  See
> http://wikigentoo.ksiezyc.pl/HOWTO_Remove_PAM.htm for pam-removal
> nstructions.  It's somewhat outdated but the basic instructions are OK.
> ======================================================================
> Note: Don't do anything else while removing PAM. Do not log out of
> existing console sessions
> First, edit make.conf and add -pam to the USE flags. Then:
> # emerge -C pam pam-login && emerge -N shadow
> # emerge -uDN world
> That's it! Your system is now PAM free.
> ======================================================================
OK, pardon my ignorance, what is wrong with pam?  Aside from the fact
that when you change versions you have to reboot or restart just about

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici wb2una

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