On 2020-12-28 16:36-0500 "Walter Dnes" <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:

>   The previous couple of attempts, the install on my XPS 8940 died on
> rebuilding ncurses when I copied over my full USE string from my
> current desktop and updated world.  This time around, I did it in
> pieces.  I added some variables, and emerged update,
> rinse-lather-repeat..  This time the problem happened when I added...
> "-pch -roaming -sendmail -spell -tcpd -udev -udisks -unicode -upower
> -xinerama"
> to the USE string.  The ncurses build died, followed immediately by
> bash.
> […]
> livecd /mnt/gentoo # chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
> /bin/bash: error while loading shared libraries: libtinfow.so.6:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Both the tinfo and the unicode use-flags are necessary if you need
libtinfow.so. From the ebuild:

    if multilib_is_native_abi ; then
        gen_usr_ldscript -a \
            "${NCURSES_TARGETS[@]}" \
            $(use tinfo && usex unicode 'tinfow' '') \
            $(usev tinfo)

Bash depends on readline. If readline was built with USE="unicode" it
depends on ncurses[unicode]. Try `chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/busybox sh`.
Busybox doesn't depend on readline so that should work. However,
portage uses bash for ebuilds if I'm not mistaken. If you have a
computer with a compatible CPU and unicode disabled you could quickpkg
bash there and try to install it on the new computer. Or maybe copying
/bin/bash over is enough.

unicode is one of the useflags that are a real pain to disable after
install. :-(

Kind regards, tastytea

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