On 1/11/21 11:32 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> If you blocked the IP in the firewall, it shouldn't show in the log.
> Add iptables to the webserver and block that IP.
> Personally, I would block the whole range (, which is either 
> linked to Cyprus or Russia (according to whois)
> Any block in the apache-config might fail due to a bug or new configuration.
> --
> Joost

Asus routers don't have capabilities to block external IP's (I need to find a 
better router).
Blocking that IP range in apache works, all the IPs I blocked are getting 403 
error (regardless what they type) 
but you might be right, apache 2.4 
 SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "45\.93\.201\.104" dontlog  (does not work). 

I wish they design blocking by country easier. 

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