On 1/20/21 7:53 PM, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:
> I use docker, on a Gentoo system, running on a Linode-hosted VPS, with
> their kernel.  I rely heavily on docker, with ~10 containers providing
> various services at any given time.
> Lately, I've had a couple of incidents of the system becoming
> unresponsive, and I believe it is docker-related.
> When I emerge docker, portage gives me the following warnings/errors:
>> *   CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED: is not set when it should be.        
>> *   CONFIG_IPVLAN: is not set when it should be.                
>> *   CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS_REDIRECT_DIR: should not be set. But it is.
> Could these complaints be a portent of what is causing the system to
> become unresponsive?  Is there anything I can do to resolve this when I
> am using Linode's kernels?
> I know what to do when I am configuring and building my own kernel, but
> on this system I'd prefer to avoid this if possible, since it is
> Someone Else's Computer, after all.
> Any input is appreciated.

Do you have access to their kernel .config file? If so just compile them IN and 
test it, make a backup of the current /boot kernel. 
 I would say these should be compiled into the kernel.  The first two are not 
compiled into my kernel and the third option is missing (no I'm not using 


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